About Us
“AT Group” was founded in 2019. Carries out geological studies for the extraction of minerals in the field of subsoil use.“AT GROUP” LLC is an Armenian Company which carries out its activities in the project sector. The Project of geologic prospecting work of Vazashen gold-polymetallic project show of RA Tavush Marz to be carried out in 2020-2023 was prepared and implemented on the initiative and with financial resources of “AT GROUP” LLC.In the past, the first geological surveys in this region were random. They were made exclusively for the search for copper-polymetallic minerals. In 1910, for the first time, GN Smirnov compiled a geological map of the area containing the Hakhum “Aghst” river basins on a scale of 1: 50,000. Systematic geological surveys of the area began only in the late 1920s. Among the pre-revolutionary researchers we can mention BN Weber, A. Gurcha, NS Uspenskaya and Aghababov, who at different times studied the local mines, as well as the geological structure of their separate sites.

The Vazashen gold-polymetallic project is located in Tavush, Republic of Armenia, 1.5-4.0 kilometers south-east from Vasashen village. The development site belongs to the southern part of Somkheti-Karabagh zone. It’s located on Alaverdi-Kapan tectonic zone, at 1000-1200 m. absolute height. The main tectonic-structural component is Tavush’s anticlinorium with some deep-situated breaches. They mostly have north-west and north-east transverse distribution. From the geological structure point of view, in the stratigraphic depth there are volcanic rocks dating from Jurassic to Paleogene periods. In the internal structure of veinal minerals several gold mineral veins are discovered, among them, quartz-pyrite, quartz-carbonate and quartz-carbonate-polymetal. Vazashen’s gold-polymetallic project, with its geochemical specificity, belongs to gold-sulphide formation. The gold deposit is extremely disproportionate to all directions. In the depth, however, the deposit of gold increases. Vazashen’s gold-polymetallic project is a project with a brilliant future potential.